The Wellington Trust has launched a campaign to raise funds to support their maintenance efforts for this iconic and much-loved ship, which celebrates her 90th anniversary this year.  

The former HMS Wellington, moored at Temple Stairs, Victoria Embankment in the heart of London, has been a part of London’s river scene since she was towed there in December 1948 after her distinguished career as a Royal Navy warship during World War II. 

This is the 90th year since she was launched and Wellington needs your help to secure her future for generations to come. You can support this historic ship’s 90th Anniversary by contributing to the anniversary appeal.

Built in Devonport in 1934 for the Royal Navy, Wellington is a Grimsby Class Sloop.  She is the only UK survivor of the Battle of the Atlantic, the longest battle in WWII, and is credited with escorting 103 convoys.  

Today, Wellington is used for hosting education programmes on maritime topics for under-served communities, as well as exhibitions, heritage events and ship’s tours.  Often the first time a youngster has stepped onboard a ship is on Wellington.  She is also a popular floating event venue on the Thames, available for private hire.

As a ship afloat, Wellington requires constant maintenance and inspection.  These have been challenging times for charities needing to generate revenue to fund and support their charitable activities.  The after-effects of the pandemic, the cost of living crisis, inflation, and a year of ship closure for inspection and repair have all affected deeply our fundraising endeavours. Yet our programme of essential repairs and legal compliance works is unrelenting.

The Board of Trustees is passionate about securing the future of the ship for all to enjoy and learn from in the future. They have worked hard to get Wellington ready for the public and for her special 90th anniversary year.  Now Wellington needs a little extra help from those who are equally committed to securing her future for many to enjoy now, and for generations to come.

Wellington is a living memorial to those mariners – both Merchant and Royal Navy personnel - who gave their utmost, and often their lives, in keeping open vital merchant shipping trade routes during the Second World War.

HMS Wellington and her crew played their part for this proud maritime nation during those dark days. Can you please do the same for Wellington today? We appreciate that times are tough for many, but your contribution to this campaign will make a big difference. 

You can contribute by visiting the GoFundMe page:

Whatever you can spare will make a difference.

The Wellington Trust will host a 90th Anniversary celebratory Open Day onboard later this year to introduce Wellington to everybody who supports their GoFundMe appeal.  Dates for this event will be published in due course.

HQS Wellington Zone South East