Josephine wiresplicing

Interests & Background

I was born in Holland, and my love for the wind started at a young age. I learned to sail when I was seven years-old. Soon I was out there sailing my dinghy by myself, and as I got older I taught sailing to teenagers. I studied English language, literature and creative writing. I did much research into sea literature of the Romantic period and eco-criticism and my yearning for the sea kept growing through that time in my life. After my graduation, I lived in Scheveningen – a seaside town to which surfers gravitate (yes, we do have surf-able waves in Holland, though the UK is much in the way of our swell!). I had taken up surfing when I was in New Zealand, so I did that quite a lot there. I also took my RYA day skipper course during that time.

What attracted you to the project?

This is when I came across the Shipshape Heritage project, which was perfectly in line with everything I had been pursuing on my own until then. I applied and here I am now; deepening my experience in boatbuilding at the International Boatbuilding Training College and sailing on Pioneer! It is all falling into place.

What skills would you like to develop?

I have gained a lot of invaluable practical skills that will undoubtedly serve me in the future when I am a caretaker of our maritime heritage. I love learning the traditional ways and look forward to many of the teachings that are still to come.

Life at Pioneer Sailing Trust

The Trust was set up in 1999 to recover the wreck of Pioneer and bring her back to operational condition. The charity now provides learning opportunities for young people to equip them with skills for life. Trainees have the opportunity to get involved with all the operational tasks associated with sailing the two vessels Pioneer and Priscilla, supporting sail training activities and the ongoing maintenance and repair of the Harker’s Yard base. 

Read more about the Pioneer Sailing Trust and the opportunities available here as part of the SHTP 2 project.

Latest Blog Post

Keep up to date with Josephine and read more about her time as an SHTP2 trainee. 

UPDATE - May 2019 - My second stretch at Pioneer consisted of maintenance jobs and working on the mould for the new rowing gig. I got my own set of overalls, which I am very happy with!

UPDATE March 2019It was my first day of work at the Pioneer Sailing Trust. I was nervous and excited to start this new chapter of my Shipshape career. After Tom Cunliffe’s masterclass, the yearning to go sailing had intensified. I was eager to feel the wind on my face again!

UPDATE February 2019 Josephine's Blog -  A Creative update of recent activity in the SHTP2 project

UPDATE December 2018 Josephine's Blog -  I’m looking back on my time at IBTC with a smile in my heart and a big feeling of gratitude for so much learning. I’m looking forward to my second term at IBTC with a happy gleam in my eyes and a feeling of excitement.
