Registration number 2581
Status Registered


Function Leisure Craft
Subfunction Yacht
Location Poole
Vessel type Sloop
Current use Private use
Available to hire No
Available for excursions No
Info required Yes


Builder Camper & Nicholsons Ltd, Gosport
Built in 1951
Hull material Wood
Rig Gaff Cutter
Number of decks 1
Number of masts 1
Propulsion Sail
Number of engines 1
Primary engine type Diesel
Boiler type None
Boiler fuel diesel


Length: Overall
43.16 feet (13.16m)
Breadth: Beam
9.60 feet (2.90m)
6.83 feet (2.08m)
Air Draft
56.60 feet (17.25m)


ZOOM was the last yacht personally designed by Charles E. Nicholson, one of the foremost British yacht designers, as a favour to his friend Group Captain Teddy Haylock, Editor of 'Yachting World'.

The vessel's hull is close-planked in teak, with plank edges de-greased and glued together and fastened to laminated steam-bent English oak frames at 8" centres.  This process was experimental and had not been tried in England before, but resulted in a very strong, durable and rigid hull.

Launched in 1952 and in constant use since then, she was bought by her current owner in 1994, with only three previous owners.  The vessel has sailed to Spain several times, France, Ireland, Germany and the Baltic.

We are lacking information on this particular vessel.  If you have any information on this vessel past or present, please contact us.

Key dates

  • 1952

    Designed by Charles E. Nicholson for his friend Group Captain Teddy Haylosk and built by Camper & Nicholson

  • 1994

    Sold to Rollo Malcolm-Green having had three previous owners

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If you are the owner of this vessel and would like to provide more details or updated information, please contact

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