Displaying 81 - 90 of 1428

East of England Local Government Assocation

It concentrates its work in areas where, by working together, we can add value for our member councils and it will speak up for the people and communities we represent, ensuring that local government has an effective voice in its dealings with GO-EAST, EEDA, Westminster, Whitehall and other organisations. We exist to champion local authorities and to work on behalf of their communities. Local government

Harling Foundries Limited

Quality sand castings in aluminium, aluminium bronze, bronze, brass and iron. One offs and small runs a speciality. Currently supplying castings to many boatbuilders and restorers.

Riggers UK

A small company with great skills capable of undertaking any job, at its own premises or at Pendennis Shipyard where big boat facilities are available, also Falmouth's new Superyacht Marina - the only one of its type in the UK. There are cold heading, roll swaging and hand splicing all within a stones throw of berthing. Whatever your requirements, the Fal is rapidly becoming the place to get the job done.