Our annual Marsh Volunteer Awards recognise outstanding volunteers in the conservation or operation of historic vessels in the UK. Volunteers are the lifeblood of the sector with many vessels depending on them to keep going. These Awards, run in partnership with the Marsh Charitable Trust since 2011, celebrate the hard work and achievement of the many diverse individuals and groups who volunteer in support of maritime heritage.
Marsh Volunteer Awards 2024
Individual: Christopher Barlow, The West Wales Maritime Heritage Society - Charterhouse
Team: The Wick Society Boat Team - Isabella Fortuna
Shipshape Network: The Pythoneers, Chesterfield Canal Trust - Python (pictured, below)
Lifetime Achievement: Pam Bathurst, The Medway Queen Preservation Society - Medway Queen

Marsh Volunteer Awards 2023
Individual: Colin Barton - The Excelsior Trust
Team: Friends of Lady Daphne
Shipshape Network (Joint): The Volunteers of the Sutton Hoo Ship’s Company
Shipshape Network (Joint): The Pilgrim of Brixham Volunteers (pictured, below)

Marsh Volunteer Awards 2022
Individual: Ian Nicolson, The Swan Trust
Team (Joint): The restoration crew, PS Maid of the Loch (pictured, below)
Team (Joint): The volunteers, SS Freshspring Trust
Shipshape Network: The volunteers, MV Balmoral
Lifetime Achievement: Barry Ford, HMS Medusa Support Group

Marsh Volunteer Awards 2021
Individual: Tim Jepson, Thames Sailing Barge Trust - Pudge & Centaur
Team (Joint): The crew, Daniel Adamson Preservation Society
Team (Joint): The volunteers and trustees, Steamship Shieldhall Charity
Shipshape Network: The ships' engineers, Steam Tug Kerne Preservation Society (pictured, below)
Lifetime Achievement: Chris Heyes, Steam Tug Kerne Preservation Society

Marsh Volunteer Awards 2020
Individual: Charlotte Hole, The Cirdan Trust - Duet
Team: HMS Unicorn maintenance volunteers (pictured, below)
Special Commendation: Dartford and Crayford Creek Restoration Trust - Decima

Marsh Volunteer Awards 2019
Individual (Joint): Malcolm Bremner - Isabella Fortuna (pictured, below)
Individual (Joint): Patrick Fox - Edith May
Team: Ross Revenge Restoration Group
Engaging the Public: Friends of Kennet, Leeds & Liverpool Canal Society
Lifetime Achievement: Brian Goodhew - Medway Queen

Marsh Volunteer Awards 2018
Individual: Brian Small - HMS Medusa
Team: Around and Around - Lively Lady
Engaging the Public: Lewis Folland - SS Shieldhall
Special Commendation: Friends of LV 50
Marsh Volunteer Awards 2017
Individual: Bob Irvine - HMS Unicorn
Team: Friends of President
Engaging the Public: Peter Dolby, The Endeavour Trust
Special Commendation: The Skylark IX Recovery Trust
Marsh Volunteer Awards 2016
Individual: Fred Attwood, Portsmouth Naval Base Property Trust
Team: The Daniel Adamson Preservation Society, Engineering Department
Special Commendation: Jill Sim - RRS Discovery
Marsh Volunteer Awards 2015
Individual: Richard Meehan - TID 164
Team: Group 199 - Steam Pinnace 199
Outstanding Contribution: HMS Belfast Conservation Team
Marsh Volunteer Awards 2014
Volunteer of the Year: Chris Leah, Wooden Canal Boat Society
Young Volunteer of the Year: Roger Dibnah - Steam Tug Kerne
Marsh Volunteer Awards 2013
Individual: Roger Mallinson, Windermere Steam Boat Museum
Team: James Dulson and George Collinson, Merseyside Maritime Museum
Young Volunteer of the Year (Joint): Isabelle Law - Ferry Glenachulish and Tom Vallois, Jersey Heritage Trust
Marsh Volunteer Awards 2012
Individual: Simon Sawers - SS Explorer
Team: Lisa and Derek Chafer, Humber Keel and Sloop Preservation Society - Amy Howson
Young Volunteer of the Year (Joint): Bethany and Hannah Pihama - Cambria
Marsh Volunteer Awards 2011
Volunteer of the Year: Robert Skuse, Bristol Museum Services - Mayflower